Step One Foods
Step One Foods had already seen success in traditional promotions, but NATIV3 took them digital with a full-scale social media campaign.
The Client Goal
Every serving of Step One Foods contains the precise amounts of key nutrients proven to actively lower cholesterol. Step One Foods had done a fabulous job in traditional promotion of their products, and had earned coverage in local media as well as interviews with national media outlets such as CNN. However, they could not crack the digital marketing code to selling products — especially when it came to paid Facebook and Instagram advertising. Nativ3 would need to develop a comprehensive social media marketing solution to start driving sales.
How NATIV3 Blazed the Trail
NATIV3 quickly identified that emotionally-appealing ads would lead to success. The strength was in the story of the Step One Foods Brand, not the products themselves. NATIV3 got to work, designing ads, building out campaigns, altering targeting methods, and making sure every dollar that was spent on paid Facebook and Instagram ads maximized effectiveness. Conversion tracking and attribution was configured in order to ensure we knew where each dollar was spent and which ads led to purchases.
The Results
The success we saw from this campaign after 2 months was staggering. Step One Foods went from a .30 ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) to a 1.5 ROAS in Month 1, a 2.0 ROAS in Month 2, and a 3.5+ ROAS in Month 3 and beyond. Our ad creation directly generated on average over $2,000 in sales PER DAY. We began experimenting with promotional items, holiday-based creative, and other exploratory marketing efforts because the campaign was such a success.